For several months now I have not worked consistently, just odd jobs here and there; barely enough to make ends meet but with May and June funds got a lot harder to come by so rent and other bills got behind. In the meantime, Pastor Baker had preached about faith. He said that if you pray and ask God for something but you do not pray in faith, then your prayer(s) were in vain. Others in ministry were speaking about unexpected blessings from unexpected sources which is on the same accord with what was being preached.
With that being said, although I have a consistent prayer life, I understood that I was not praying for what I needed in FAITH because of fear! But after hearing this message and from others as confirmation of what God WILL DO, I knew that I needed to God to ‘touch my unbelief” and increase my faith. Once I started praying in faith, I no longer worried about how my needs would be met but trusted in God COMPLETELY!
It wasn’t even a week later that I got a large monetary gift from one of my children BUT THAT’S NOT ALL…. A couple days later.. AN UNEXPECTED CHECK IN THE MAIL… FROM AN UNEXPECTED SOURCE!!  This check, coupled with what my daughter gave me, was enough to cover my rent from May – July, other bills got paid, I was able to contribute to my church and personal and household needs were met! Tell me, who wouldn’t want to serve a God like this? He met every need and made provision for future months! – Nicole Smith-Atkins

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